Sunday, December 19, 2010

WASTE Christmas Party

I seem to be attending Christmas parties left and right. Two Saturdays ago, we attended a Christmas party. Then last Thursday, we had our MSc WASTE Christmas Party at the university and then last Friday, we had the Sto. Nino Group Christmas Party. Since I already blogged a little about our Sto. Nino Christmas Party in my Moments Moments entry, allow me to write about the WASTE Christmas Party. 

So the master program I belong had a Christmas Party last Thursday, 16th of December. I can say that it was a great success. The lecture hall where we sit most of the time was converted into a restaurant-like setting and had a really Christmassy-feel, thanks to the creative minds behind the decoration team.

The food was also great, and there was enough for everyone to share! Even my plate was full! The buffet table was just overflowing with food, thanks to all those who prepared them with love.

What made it more fun was the presence of Santa Claus, who was wonderfully played by one of our classmate from the program.  There was great music that everyone can dance too.

Everyone just had a blast! It just goes to show that Graduate School life isn't all serious stuff. All of us, even our professors, showed that we can all have fun too. I didn't know when the party ended because I had to go ahead but I know that they partied the night away and really had tons of fun!

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