Thursday, December 30, 2010

To Be Blessed

The year 2010 had been a very wonderful year for us. I never expected the bountiful blessings that came our way nor did I expect that we would be able to manage and surpass the challenges that came along the way. I am personally very thankful for all of the blessings, the experience, and the many encounters that helped me and my family to grow closer together. It is mainly thanks to the people surrounding us, who in one way or another contributed to our growth.

It has been almost two years since we became expats here in Germany and although it is not always easy, it amazes me as a look back and I wonder how we were able to come to where we are now. All the prayers helped a lot and I just feel so blessed. I feel blessed to have hubby who is responsible and always prioritizes the family. Although he may have his shortcomings, I know that he has always done his best for the family and for that I am thankful. I feel blessed to have a beautiful daughter who has always surprised and never ceased to amaze me with her ability to make me lose my wits and make me pull my hair during those "moments". I feel blessed to have wonderful friends who make us feel that we have a family. I feel blessed to have been given the chance to study again, realize my potentials and do something for myself. I feel blessed for the seasons: the cold of winter, the blooms of spring, the heat of summer, the warm colors of fall. I feel blessed to have been able to live with my in-laws even for just a short period of time. I feel blessed to have a family who thinks of us and prays for us. I feel blessed to have met very good friends in the blogging world, especially the Marce Club, who have always been so thoughtful and helpful. I feel blessed for the many earning opportunities online.

There is so much to be thankful for, I know... and as I look back and continue to count my blessings, I realize that I am more than blessed. And I am filled with hope and excitement for the new year that is to come. Because I know and believe that this journey will always be blessed.

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