Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

A white Christmas is a dream come true for someone like me who comes from the tropics. As an expat, I feel so lucky to live with my family here in Germany, where it really snows in the winter. I always feel delighted when we have snowfall. Although I am getting used to it, I sometimes wish I had a portable ariens snowblower with me each time I take my little girl to the Kindergarten to clear the way. It could really be difficult to tackle a soft snow-covered footpath especially if you are pushing a kid's stroller, and worse if you are going in the uphill direction. Yes, my little girl, although she loves the snow, prefers to sit in her stroller and be pushed rather than walking in it, thank you very much.

But let it snow. This Christmas, I hope the heavens will let it snow. So that then, we could truly call our "first" Christmas here in Stuttgart a white Christmas, the ground covered with fine, white snow. And then perhaps, we can finally make a big snowman somewhere in the park or in the forest. Hihi!

I hope everyone will have a happy and warm Christmas this year!

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