Friday, December 10, 2010

Duplicate and Distribute

Disaster struck us in the face last Sunday. We were about to leave for the Sunday mass. We wouldn't want to miss it because it was the second Sunday of Advent. We were already late and so we hurried out the door. Of all days, I forgot to ask my husband whether he has his keys before I closed the door. Our main door doesn't have a turnable knob on the outside so that when you get out, you won't be able to open it unless someone from the inside turns the knob and opens it. To make the story short, it meant that he left his keys. I usually bring my keys with me when I leave the house but coincidentally, I did not bring it along because I was thinking that my husband already had his keys with him.

With no keys and no one inside the house, we knew that it would be impossible to get inside unless we break in and damage the door, which would equate to hundreds of euros. We were already late and since we don't have any keys, we would need to take the train and by the time we arrive at the church, the mass would have already ended. So instead of going to church, we thought of what's best to do next. Good thing hubby did not forget his mobile phone inside the house so that we were able to ask our friends for help. They recommended that we call the Schlüsseldienst (Key Service), a company or individual who are licensed to "break into houses", with the homeowner as witness. It cost us a lot of money just so our door could be opened, and he did it only within minutes using a single spiral device. It was so easy but because we were desperate, we didn't really have any choice at that time.

So now I must make four more copies of our keys and leave them to our friends. So that when another incident like last Sunday happens again, (God forbid!), we wouldn't have to call the Schlüsseldienst again and just go to our friend's house to retrieve the keys. And yes, I wouldn't want to forget my keys in the house ever again because the cost is just too much!

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