Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Art of Folding Paper

Origami is a very old traditional Japanese folk art of paper folding and has been around since 17th century AD. Ori in Japanese means "folding" and kami means "paper" thus the name Origami and it has stuck since then. Although a very old art form, it wasn't until the mid-1900s when it was popularized. Since then, it has evolved into a modern form.

It is amazing to see a small sheet of square paper transform into such wonderful paper sculpture pieces that one cannot help but be interested.

It is not a surprise then that me and my little girl tried our hands at making some origami. Thanks to Youtube, we easily found some simple videos to start with. I only had some colored construction paper available so that our creations did not look so good. Origami papers are supposed to weigh less than normal paper, at about 50 gsm (gram per square meter), but the paper I used is way thicker than that, at around 130 gsm so you could just imagine that it wasn't so very good. However, it was something that my little girl really enjoyed.

Perhaps next time, we could find some really nice origami paper here and turn it into some more interesting pieces. I am hoping to make a paper crane on our next session. Or maybe Hello Kitty using the 3D Origami method. When that will be, I still don't know. :D

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