Thursday, December 17, 2009

Let Viddler Do The Talking

I have been blogging for quite some time now and came across a number of video blogs or video entries. I try to get updated with what's going on around the globe with CNN Video. I have also enjoyed watching videos having content related to my site. I sometimes even publish videos on this blog whenever the need for one arises, especially when I want to get a message across and communicate with my readers through audio-visual means.

I limit my video uploads though because it tends to slow down the loading of my blog page. So I would really love it if I could find a free video hosting site where I could upload unlimited number of videos, post comments and tags within the video and even share it with RSS and iTunes. Then I came across Viddler, a platform for video publishers, which makes this possible and more!

Checking their service further, I learned that you can also engage your readers in your videos because you could add timed tags, timed comments or even video comments within the video itself. Now that is what I call interaction and not just purely content!

If you have a business, you can further enhance a business plan by embedding a customized online video for business that contains your company logo, and a permalink that will link to your website. I think their service is just great. Why don't you check it out too?

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