Thursday, December 10, 2009

Girl Talk: The People On My List

It has been a while since I joined Niko's Girls Talk! meme but since it is the season of gift-giving and sharing, I have decided to join this week's theme which is "the people on your Chirstmas wish list".

I have always wanted to make Christmas special each year. And my list goes a long way. However, I never really managed to give them all the gifts that I wanted to give them (due to lack of funds, hehehe!). I intend to this year and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I know God will provide.

My usual list would include foremost my hubby and Samantha. I still have no idea what to give to the Hubby but for Sam, we are planning on giving her a Lego Duplo set and educational toys.

For my parents and parents-in-law, I guess it will have to be money. Nanay is taking maintenance meds for her diabetes and Mama is suffering from her arthritis. So I guess they need the money more to buy their medication. I have been wanting to send a Balikbayan Box this year but due to circumstances beyond my control, that will have to be moved to later date.

Then there's also my siblings and nephews and nieces who I miss so much, my younger cousins who are still in school, close friends, and charity. I am still unsure on what to give these beautiful people but I hope it will be something special and useful for them.

There goes my list. How about you? Share it with us!


Rossel said...

we have the same list, almost.

it doesn't matter how big or small your gifts are. what important is you remember these people who touched your life this year.

happy girls talk!

riablahgs said...

Wala akong list this year...No budget eh ;)

Mommy Liz said...

I wasn't able to send balikbayan box this yer too, money is kind of tight, but cash would be good for sibling, wouldn't it? I love christmas, though it's a little costly, but it's fun!

anne said...

I am sure your nanay and your mama would be delighted that you would give them money for their medication, advance merry christmas girl and happy GT mine is up and its here

feRry c,") said...

Yes, God will make a way...
You'll see, am sure you would have something to share this christmas...

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