Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Want to Learn Japanese Again!

When I was still in Japan, I never really got the chance to really learn the Japanese language. My husband is very good at it considering the amount time he spent learning it and living in Japan. I have had a Japanese class once a week taught by a someone who volunteered to teach us and that was it. I never really used it because I was so dependent on my husband who knew how to communicate and is my official speaker. I also taught English at an English conversation school while I was there so that English was my main mode of communication. In my almost two years of stay in Japan, I only know the very basics: basic greetings, numbers, and a little bit of hiragana and katakana.

Now that we are here in Germany, my interest to learn Japanese is now more intense. Most probably because I want to be able to communicate more with our Japanese neighbor who is so nice to me she even put my laundry in the shade when it was raining very hard last Sunday. I also wanted to learn Japanese because I want to understand the anime series that my husband loves to watch, Naruto Shippuden. There are no English subtitles in most of the episodes that he downloads so that I keep asking him questions about the characters are saying and what is going on general. Most often, I would end up disappointed because we would just end up argiung. I want to learn Japanese most of all because I have the feeling that I will be able to use it someday.

Knowing how to speak a foreign language other than English is something that one should see as a plus factor. Who knows when it may come handy in the future right?

Photo: japanprobe.com

1 comment:

Chris said...

this has been one of my dreams while i was still in college. to learn japanese!

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