Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Online Sports Betting

Many people do online sports betting, but not everyone is a sports bettor. The most important thing about a sports bettor is that, a good bettor always makes money by betting well. Amateurs may make a killing one day, but that will be nothing better than a fluke, unless the wins are regular. To win regularly, you have to learn the way of the good bettor and act accordingly.

In a table or any betting arena, the best bettor, the one with the most consistent wins, will almost always be the most knowledgeable person about that particular game, on that table. The bettor will also be passionate about the game he or she is betting on. Without a good deal of passion, there’s no real knowledge. You may know, but you won’t feel; and if you are a sports bettor who doesn’t have a feel for the game, as a priest used to say, “My son, you are doomed.”

A good sports bettor will try to spread his bets across the game. So, he may bet some of the money on the outcome of the game, some on performances of particular players, and maybe even some on the scores, score differences etc. In any game, perhaps the most predictable part is player performance, compared to other results. A good player will often perform well, but that never means that the game would be won. So, player performance may have low odds but high chances of winning. It’s a good betting idea to hedge your bet on sure shots like these. Also, some of the game statistics can be quite predictable. A bet on whether a team will reach 200 runs in a game can be much more easily predicted. Hence, they will pay you less if you bet on them, but they will at least pay you something. In this way, bettors will hedge against loses.

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