Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Me Self,

You are up early today because you said that you need to work on your projects... But what are you doing blogging? I know that blogging is an essential part of your day, but you should learn to manage your time effectively. Remember that tomorrow is Good Friday and that means that you should not be working. Not to forget, you still need to prepare for your trip to Holland this weekend. I do understand that you don't want to miss your regular memes this week but if you can schedule your posts, then please do so so that your blog entries do not suffer.

And what are you going to do with SS? Are you ditching it for good? There's another opportunity at $15 waiting for you to take... I guess this is what makes the decision making difficult huh? Just when you thought you are ready to make some changes, something too enticing comes up.

I would like to commend you though for being serious with your efforts to lose weight. Going to the fitness studio at least 3x a week and working out for at least an hour is really something... But let me tell you, you won't lose weight overnight! You have to work HARD, HARD, HARD! And please, cut down on your rice intake? Getting your butt in the fitness studio is still not an excuse for you to splurge on food! It takes diet and exercise for you to achieve your goal of getting back in shape in summer.

Oh well, good luck on your endeavors... I hope you don't faint!

Happy April Fool's Day

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