Thursday, April 22, 2010

Girl Talk: Finger Food Is Always First!

This month's weekly themes for Girls Talk! is making me drool! This week, my dearest Anik asks the question: what FOOD do you pick out FIRST on a buffet or the food you ALWAYS go for if there’s a wide selection of food in front of you..

We seldom go out to eat in a BUFFET DINNER so that when the opportunity comes, I always see to it that I am HUNGRY... to get real value for me money. :D


As for me, it will always have to be FINGER FOODS first: mini spring rolls, chips, dumplings, fried chicken, calamares... anything that serves as an appetizer and can be eaten easily.


genefaith said...

correct ka jan marce..finger foods are the best choice on buffet...ako naman i'll start with salad before the finger foods...

have a happy weekend marce:)

niko said...

waaah calamares is one of my weaknesses hihihih at ang dumplings at fried chicken always present yan sa plate ko kamz hihihi

thanks for joining GT kamz ha! am sorry for the late visit, I just got back from a very watery weekend ^_^

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