Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Everyday Is EARTH DAY!

Oh yes, everyday for me is Earth Day! I have posted this tag once before here but thought that it would be wise to re-share some of my ideas and my practices in saving our planet. Thanks to Mommy Jac of Mom’s Special Diary for inviting me to post about Earth Day again.


Here's my share of GREEN ideas:

1. Ecobags. When you shop, be sure to bring your own bag with you. I always bring mine each time I do my groceries. If you don't have an ecobag, reuse the old ones that you had.

2. Natural cleaning agents. If you want an odor-free room, use powdered charcoal (activated carbon) or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) instead of an air freshener. How? Put a few spoonfuls in a shallow container and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for the added scent. Powdered coal and sodium bicarbonate are powerful deodorizers. Also, if you want to clean glass-tops and glass windows, use diluted vinegar instead of a glass cleaner. Wipe with a newspaper when done for that complete clean and polished look. There are lots of cleaning agents out there in the market. Be wise when you shop. Look for the BIO seal.

3. 3R's. I know this is old school but remember the 3R's? Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. That's the way to go. Segregate your wastes properly. Recycle what you can and reuse old stuff. If you are creative enough, you can create lots of wonderful stuff from your seemingly "junk" stuff.

4. Biodegradable. Check the labels of your shampoos, soaps and detergents. Are they biodegradable? If not, switch to biodegradables the next time you hit the supermarket.

5. Volunteer. You don't have to be a member of a civic-oriented organization to help save the environment. You can still join in by volunteering yourself in various efforts: coastal clean-ups, tree planting, mountain clean-ups. You can involve the entire family so that they too will have the awareness.

6. Clean as you go. Remember that we are all responsible for our wastes. Each time you go outing, bring along with you a trash bag. You never know when these can become handy. And garbage bins may not be available in the area too. Do not leave your trash behind nor leave the cleaning to the caretakers. We arrived at the place clean so we should also leave it clean.

Here’s the rules:

~Click the badge and get the code then put the logo on your blog sidebar and post.
~Tell us what is your contribution to our planet? You live here for surely you’ve got something to share!! Post any pictures or share some of your ideas on how to help and save out planet Earth.
~Post this rules.
~Share this meme-tag to as many Blogger as you can think.

Now, if you care about our environment and our planet, Mother Earth, then join us for Earth Day and post the badge on your sidebar.

1 comment:

Jac said...

I would love to become a volunteer someday helping our planet is one of my goals talaga for me in my simplest things na pwedeng i contribute to save our planet go~go~go talaga ako...Thank you sis for sharing your great ideas I hope na kahit yung 3R's ma isa puso at isip ntin...Big help talaga!!!
God bless =)

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