Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fond Childhood Memories in My Father's Hometown

My parents decided to go back to my father's hometown in the province to retire there. At the age of sixty, I am of definitely worried because they are well, already old and they will be far away from my three other siblings. What if they need immediate medical attention? Who will take them to the doctor and to the nearest medical facility? Of course, they will be far away from their grand children and they will terribly miss them too. It is also difficult to communicate with them because the cellphone signal is very weak. Calls cannot be connected and I can only reach them via SMS.

But anyway, they built a small house there, in the area near the coconut trees that my father planted fifty years ago. I guess their little home sweet home is almost finished now. I am sure the flooring is made of wood. I wonder if they used pergo laminate... Wooden floors are really cool and is just perfect for the tropical weather. My mother told me that construction materials are really expensive there. Figures since it is far from the city and they still need to transport them. My sister also shared that there are spare rooms so that when we come for a visit, we won't need to stay at our relatives' homes. I do wish they could email me a photo of their bahay-kubo. So that I can proudly publish it here.

I remember when I was still a small kid and we would spend the summer vacation at my father's province. We would take long naps in the afternoon on bamboo floors, would catch freshwater shrimps in the nearby creek with my cousins, go to the beach, read Filipino comics, listen to my grandmother's folk stories, most of them scary, even help plant rice on muddy fields. Ah, to be young and carefree. I hope one day, my little girl will also get the opportunity to experience a piece of my childhood. I am sure she will love the simple life in the province.

1 comment:

OSeñorita said...

This article made me miss my father's province. It's been so long since the last time we visited it. I remember when I was small, they don't have television there. Only radios. But I never got bored. My cousin and I would always play outside and climb trees. And I love the sound of crickets at night. Oh I miss that place.

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