Spring is finally here and it is high time to do another general cleaning. Many call it Spring Cleaning. In German, they call it der Frühjahrsputz. Thanks to my hubby who bought me my newest toy, a vacuum cleaner, cleaning and dusting has become easier for me. Because he is allergic to dust, the house has to be vacuumed as regularly as we can. And I can do that with a breeze with my very nice vacuum cleaner. Haha! I am so boastful! :D

Cleaning has been an agony before vacuum cleaner arrived because I had to sweep the floor with a soft broom and wipe it and then sweep again. A very tasking chore that had my lower back screaming with pain I thought I would need to see a chiropractic technologist just to be sure that my spine and my back in general are still okay. I actually considered seeing one when the pains kept coming back. But my doctor did a very nice alternative treatment that it doesn't hurt so much anymore.
I am still doing my spring cleaning right now and I am on a short break thus, blogging about it. I hope all you guys are planning on doing a spring cleaning too. Keep your houses clean because "cleanliness is next to godliness".

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