Sunday, November 7, 2010

Change IS Constant

You most probably have heard of the following words at some point in your life: "The only thing constant in life is change." True. I wouldn't argue with that. Everyday in our lives, we experience changes. Even as the clock ticks, changes are happening. Biologically, our body undergoes changes that we don't even feel, taste, hear, see or smell. But it IS there. When the day turns into night and night into day, there are changes. And these changes may be good or bad. These changes entail risks, consequences, challenges. They may bring sadness or happiness, chaos or peace, disappointments or triumphs. That is why we should always be alert, our eyes and minds open for these changes. We may never know what the exact changes are but at least, we try to anticipate them. So that when they do come into our lives and hit us head on, we will know what to do. We can decide what our next move will be and we can rise above the situation.

Have you got a story to tell about some life-changing event? Or is there any change that you want to happen into your life? Then come share your story with us and join Just Another Pixel's Blog Contest: Thirty on 30, Changes in My Life. Be an inspiration to others and win lots of fabulous prizes too!

For more details and contest mechanics, please click on the badge below:

Don't miss you chance! You never know, this contest could turn things around for you! Contest will run from October 30 until November 30, 2010.

Good luck to all the contest participants!

1 comment:

zoan said...

the only thing that is constant here on earth is definitely change. i have joined this contest and i am one of the sponsors too :D have made my entry na and hope you could view it here :

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