Hello Couchers! Welcome to the late November 16th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. My computer is acting up again and the weather is not any good so I haven't got time to drop by an Internet Cafe to make it in time for this week's TCP. I really do apologize for the inconvenience my dears. But here I am again for this week's theme: N. I know you have seen a lot of films with titles beginning in N so let us start the ball rolling.
My pick will be Narnia. The entire title is of course The Chronicles of Narnia but it is best known as Narnia, thus the N. Lol! It has always been one of my favorite fantasy adventure sequel movies, aside from Harry Potter and LOTR of course. The world of CS Lewis is just so fascinating, enchanting and endearing. And it delights me to watch the characters mature in their roles in every sequel. The 3rd installation of the movie, entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, will be coming out this Christmas, just perfect for a great family movie that everyone can look forward to.
What it's about?
What it's about?
Hope you all enjoy the official trailer of the movie:
Chronicles Of Narnia 3
Can't wait for it to be shown on the big screen! I hope the family gets to see it this Christmas!
Joining us this week? Please enter your TCP link in the linky below. Thanks!
Next week's theme will be: A DreamWorks Movie, where we will feature movies released by DreamWorks Pictures. Thank you for joining us this week Couchers and I hope to see you all again next time! May the rest of your week be blessed.

nakalimutan ko sa list si Narnia... ;)
happy TCP!
excited to watch this one!
I forgot to enter TCP again :( Been quite busy and a very slow broadband connection isn't helping. Maybe next week, specially since the theme is Dreamworks! :)
i love the entire chronicle. i watched the ORIGINAL films way back... THEN, lol!
oops...entered mine twice. sorry for that. still posted this though of late.
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