Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Very Hectic Week

The moment September arrived, my life seemed to have gone on a fast forward mode. Everything seems to fly by so fast, with so many things to do in a day. The last seven days passed me by with a flash. With my little girl going to the Kindergarten, PIL to think about, German language lessons, travel itineraries to prepare and design, and doing paperworks and attending several orientations, everything is definitely a rush.

Day 1
I got lost on my first day at the university. It's a good thing that I didn't have classes yet then and I still own my time. I only went to the International Student Affairs office to get my welcoming kit and fill up some papers. Then I stopped by the WASTE Office and introduced myself to the Program Director. We had a nice chat and I was also given some important documents.

Day 2
I am now more familiar with the university and was just in time for my Einstufungstest (placement exam) for the Deutsch Intensivkurs  (German language intensive course). The test took only thirty minutes so I still had some time to go see the contact person for WASTE students and then head back home to fetch my little girl from the kindergarten at exactly 1pm. 

Day 3
I attended the Official Welcome for all international students. There must be hundreds of us because we filled up the entire lecture hall. Too bad I wasn't able to take some photos. I didn't bring Niki because I find her too bulky. Perhaps I could use a compact digital camera then. After the welcome, which lasted for almost two hours, I went to find my name on the list of students who will be taking another placement test for advanced german language classes. Then I took the placement test and had to cancel joining the campus tour because I didn't feel like joining it and opted to go home with hubby and my little girl instead.

I didn't make any friends yet though. Perhaps tomorrow, when I start with my intensive german course, I will befriend someone. I still don't know what will happen tomorrow. I just hope things will turn out fine. I also hope that I will still find time to blog and update you with what's going on in the days, weeks and months to come.

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