Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Little Adventure

I have mentioned about not being able to join our little family reunion in Rome a few days ago due to the fact that my intensive German language lessons have already started. But I learned that I could miss a maximum of two classes for no reason at all. So I grabbed the chance and skipped my Friday class and went on a lonely little traveling adventure for the very first time. It was a Thursday night when I boarded the ICE (Inter-City Express) train bound for Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (main station). It was about an hour and a half travel and I arrived in Frankfurt at 00:45 AM. 

While waiting for the 3:00AM bus that will take me to the Frankfurt HAHN Airport, I sought refuge at the McDonald's store inside the train station. There I had coffee and some fries and waited the time out. The store had to close at 2:00AM so that I had no choice but to leave the train station and went on to the bus terminal just beside the train station. It was cold out. Good thing I had two sweaters on and I also remembered to buy myself a new scarf. It drizzled for a few minutes too but thankfully, I also remembered to bring my umbrella. Twenty minutes before departure, the bus arrived and I was able to finally sit down comfortably and close my eyes. The trip from the Frankfurt main train station to Frankfurt HAHN airport took an hour and 45 minutes. 

When we arrived at the airport, I immediately checked in and waited at the gate for boarding. I flew Ryan Air because it was the cheapest I could get. I was surprised to find that there were lots of passengers waiting to board too, a sure indication that it is indeed the hard times. I got annoyed during boarding because many passengers did not fall in line and just made their way into the boarding gate as if they own the place. Ggggrrrr!!! Europeans can be very pathetic too. Anyway, my plane finally took off at 6:10AM and arrived at Rome Ciampino Airport at 7:55AM. 

It was a very long night for me but all my exhaustion went away when I finally my hubby and my little girl arrive at the airport a little less than an hour after I arrived.

1 comment:

JonaBQ said...

wow learning German! isn't it that this language is one of the hardest to learn? congratulations in advance!


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