Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Road to Linderhof Castle

My family and I went on another road trip last August 29, 2010. Our destination: Schloss Linderhof (Linderhof Palace) which is situated in the Graswang Valley, near the village of Ettal. It is near the Austria-Germany border so that getting there was one breathtaking and adventurous ride.

The beautiful Austrian landscape.

We drove through the motorway (or expressway) with a breeze. Luckily, there weren't so many roadworks so that it wasn't such a long ride. We did get a bit "lost" along the way because our navigation changed our route and we were directed to a closed road. We had no choice but to just drive through the rough road, through endless corn fields until we found the concrete street again that lead to the motorway. 

The emerald-green and pristine waters of Plan Lake.

As we got closer to the border, the landscape changed dramatically and our eyes feasted on the Austrian Alps. When we exited the motorway and took the smaller roads (B2 and then B23) that took us to Ettal, we noticed that the road became narrower. Outside Ettal, we turned left again to the road ST2060: a little less than a two-lane road without markings that is about 25.4 kilometers and passes through Plansee (Plan Lake) and Ammerwald (Ammer Forest). It is a huge lake and it's emerald green color and stillness mirrors the mountatins and the trees surrounding it. Indeed a sight to behold.

Perhaps next summer or in the next summers to come, we could go camping and experience the great outdoors in German style. Another something to look forward to in the years to come.

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