Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today Is The Day!

Today officially marks the end of Kaye and Pehpot's Joint Blogversary Contest. And while most of you can now breath now that it is over, those bagging for the top prize are still left feeling anxious or even nervous? Why? Because our gracious hosts are yet to announce the winners on March 25th.

I have long given up on the top prize not because I have lost interest but because my schedule just won't allow it anymore. Perhaps it is all part of the "grand plan", the greater scheme of things that I be given other online opportunities. And because this blogger also needs to sleep for a couple of hours and has other "earthly" duties to attend to, doing my daily rounds of comments have become next to impossible.

This was a very fun contest nonetheless. I was even able to hone my reviewing and writing skills but of course, it is you my readers who can judge if I have even improved a bit. I also read lots of wonderful reviews for my blogs and for other blogs as well where I can draw inspiration from.

Ubrigens, below is the "schedule" about the contest's announcements... something that all of us contest participants are looking forward to.


March 19: Announcement of winners of the $5 raffle draw. 3 lucky winners will win $5 each.

March 22: Announcement of winners of Best Post about the contest and best blog review of Make or Break and Random WAHM Thoughts

March 25: Big Winners Day. Announcement of the 1st to 4th prize and lucky winners of $20

March 29: Announcement of winners of reviews of Pehpot's other blogs.

To all those who joined the contest and stayed with my Marces Kaye and Pehpot until the end, CONGRATULATIONS... for your perseverance, for your hardwork, for all your time and efforts! Good luck to all the participants!


Sherry Go Sharing said...

hehe.. you are one of sponsors I can comment on :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

come join us :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

you still have chance to win!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

oh yeah good prize must earn many points!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah sis I am trying my best :D

Mylene said...

Hi there!

Hmmm... I am trying to find your review on my blog because if I correctly remember it, I was once able read your article about my blog. But when I dig the comments of Level 3 reviews at Kaye's blog, I can't find your entry so I decided to drop on your site and search it. But I can't find it now.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I hop by :D

Unknown said...

Wow, im sure you guys are so eager to win. I hope manalo ka mommy kikamz para worth it lahat ng hirap mo. I have read all your reviews, gosh I can't do those kind of stuff. Hope you will win cos you deserved it.

redamethyst said...

Hello kikamz, sobrang kakaexcite un contest nila K at Pehpot noh? hehe. I hope we will be able to grab some prizes. hehehe

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

asus si marce. hihi. you were one of the few nga who completed the reviews of ALL the sponsors e! grabe ka marce! saludo ako sayo! don't worry. we have something in store for those who completed the reviews ;)

Chris said...

i hope you do win.. i know you were able to finish writing the reviews di ba? :)

i didnt complete level 3 reviews anymore since i was really caught up with other duties na...

well, lets wait and see! :D

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