Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Get A Kindle For FREE!

Want to get this for FREE?

Hello to all my expat Marces and blogger friends! I've got good news for you! Here is your chance to get a kindle for free!

It is so easy to! Just be an Expat Woman like me by signing up for and to answer "Friend" in the "How Did You Hear About Us?" box.

On 30 April at 5pm New York time, will compile a list of every new member who was referred by a "Friend" and then someone independent of will randomly select a winning number that will match one of the new member numbers who were referred by a "Friend".

The winning member will be emailed from and asked who referred them. If they do not reply within seven calendar days they will be emailed again. If they do not reply within a further seven calendar days they will forfeit their chance to win and a new winner will be randomly selected. This process will continue until a winner responds to the winning notification email with the name of their referring friend, so that can be sure that they actually have a winner (and their referring friend) to claim these great prizes!

The winning member and their (one only) referrer (who must also be a current member of will each win an Amazon Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" display diagonal E Ink® edition, 8" x 5.3" x 0.36") valued on as of 1 March 2010 @ US$259. Judges decision will be final.

So what are you waiting for? If you are an expat like me, join us today at and win stuff, get motivated and read lots of inspiration.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. It is the sole decision of the author to promote the website.

1 comment:

Mys said...

Sayang, di ako expat. I'd love a kindle. It's an ebook reader right?

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