Thursday, March 25, 2010

Skeletons In My Photo Archives

What do you consider as photos that you'd rather hide? Are they the scary ones? Or the ones that make you look unpretty and unfabulous? Or are they the ones that make you look so big? Whatever they are, these are the ones that we would rather hide in our photo archives. It is fun to look at them once in a while though because they too have stories to tell.

If you are going to ask me which photos I'd rather hide, I have lots of them. Our external hard drive is filled with them. But I must take courage and finally join this week's theme since I already missed the first two.

So here it the most recent skeleton that took lots of courage to publish. No matter what you all would have to say, I guess I'll just have to look at it on the brighter side: at least I have entertained you all with my very ugly face.

I am sure Hubby will react once he finds out that I published this photo for everyone to see! LOL!

The story behind the photo: This was taken last year when we went to London. We just arrived at the London Bridge Train Station and while waiting for the tube to arrive, we Dad took this shot. I was already tired and it was raining the whole day during our sightseeing so that I really wasn't in the mood. The result? The photo above. I just look so ridiculously sour and ugly here! LOL! Blame it on London weather? Hihi!

How about you? Do you have skeletons in your Photo Archives too? Share it with us this week on Girls Talk! It's fun!


Sherry said...

mine is up at

Sherry said...

oh this is good pic, face of many expression :D hehe..

not ungly sis. I think its you trying to say something.

Keith said...

I pull almost the exact same face when I have to go on the London underground heh, :-)

Unknown said...

Hi there! :D Thanks for dropping by my GT entry. Cheers to your courage for posting this. :)

nuts said...

oh no, haha.. you're so cute..
di ako naka-join ng tues sa tcp, super duper busy ako, i'll make up next week.. :)

josie said...

hahaha are you crying ba or having tantrums?

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

ok lang naman to sis.. mukha nga pagod kana at wala ka ng mood magsmile pa hehe.. plus it was raining pa pala.. infairness, kainggit kayo kasi halos nalibot nyo na ang buong Europe.. kami kaya kelan? lol have a nice day =) hugs to you lil Sam

Clarissa said...

hahahahaa!!You just made my day,Mommy Kikamz!!(palagi akong bahin ng bahin due to my pollen allergy)I love your face expression there,nakakatuwa!\(^0^)/

Lucia ♡ said...

Epic facial expression!!! Totally loving it <3

VanillaSeven said...

Ahaha.. thats a cute expression! Photos like this are priceless. I kept some of mine too :P

Unknown said...

Cute naman ngtheme ninyo parang laglagan na hehehe

Mys said...

Congratulations for winning at Kaye & Pehpot's BLogversary Conterst!

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

katuwa naman to, tuloy ako parang may masakit din sa akin ehehe...nice one sis

Just passing by from Girls Talk and here's mine:

shal said...

psstt.. gyreview nako imo blog og kang sam. hehe.:)

Mommy Liz said...

Ok naman ang picture mo ah, kaya nga rather hide di ba?

I have bunch of those scary photos, buti na lang di ko nakita ang isa kong picture na sobrang pangit talaga, ipinakita sa akin ni hubby noong nakapag post na ako. Hehehe!

MommaWannabe said...

I wish I had the experience din to ride the tube there...kaso busy si hubby with work nung nagpunta kami jan once.

Genefaith said...

he..he..para kang nagtantrum dito marce..he..he..ako din pag pagod ganyan din expression ko...:)

kimmy said...

i find it expressive, lol!

niko said...

i didn't know london weather is that bad to make you look like that on a picture marce hihih

katuwa... thanks for making me laugh and for being brave hihih

april theme is up na ha. silip ka lng blog ko

hihih tc lagi@

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