Monday, March 8, 2010

Embrace Life

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

I just love blogs with green as their main blog color. I just find them cool and very refreshing to the eyes. No wonder my current blog layout also has green as the main color. But of course, I do not just love a blog because it's green... I also love a blog because of it's contents and it's catchy title. I love to read personal blogs and those that are family-oriented.

Have you ever come across the blog
Embrace Life? Just the title itself would hint you that this blog is all about living life to the fullest, in all its wholesomeness and grandeur and challenges. I know the blogger by the pen name nuts but if you look closely at her blog URL, you'll find her name in it. I always enjoy reading her TCP posts, her stories about her family, her thoughts and philosophy in life. I love the author's writing style as if she were relating a story... I find it easy to understand and I can tell how passionate she is about her family. In this blog Mommy Nuts chronicles her day... from the funny to interesting to happy to sometimes not so happy events. Her food meme entries are also very delicious-looking you'd wish you were a member of the family so that you could have a helping of the dishes she features.

The blog is a little over a year old and since then, it has enjoyed a PR3, 84 followers and growing... and of course paid post opportunities. I like the simple green template with two columns. The sidebars are very organized too and I find it easy to navigate. There are also links to various pages in her blog including the About page. I know Mommy Nuts is a busy SAHM because she haven't got around to filling the about page yet. I hope she gets to write something in it soon!

I invite you all to visit Embrace Life and find out how this SAHM embraces life each day. I am sure you'll find inspiration in this blog as I have.


Mys said...

Congratulations Kikamz! I have 10 more to go and no inspiration to do it.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah pr so important !

Sherry Go Sharing said...

wow nice review of the blog :D

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