Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Honesty Is The Best Policy

Just as transparency is important in a business, so is honesty very important in a marriage. For a marriage to work, it must not only be founded on love and friendship but also in trusting one another. And one can only gain the other's trust if he/she is true and honest.

That's why we see to it that we know what's on our minds and we have an open communication with one another so that there is no reason to doubt one another. While we value each other's individuality and privacy, there must be an open line of communication between us. It allows us to understand one another better and help us support each other.

He knows what I am up to and I also know what he's up to. We know our passwords to our online accounts, I'd tell him if I want to make online purchases (but only after I have already made the purchase.. hihi!), he would tell me if he will be late and where he'll be going and vice versa. We discuss financial matters and since I am doing the budget, I update him with our financial status. Hubby is also honest with how I look or if what I'm wearing suits me just fine or not. I guess even if these are only small things, it helps a lot in building trust.

Hubby knows me too well so that he can readily tell if I am hiding something from him. There's never a secret that I can keep so it goes without saying that I have no secrets. I also know that he has none even if I don't ask. I guess the biggest leap of trust that I did was when I left the Philippines and followed him to Japan, completely putting my life at his care. I was not scared or anything because I know that he will take good care of me and he did! I am so blessed to have a husband so responsible and loving and honest. Thank you Hanhan for everything!

How important is honesty to you? Share it with us here on Couple's Corner!

Rodliz’s Nest


jo.frougal said...

You are truly blessed. And doubly so, because you recognize it. God keep you all in the palm of His hands.

Mommy Liz said...

Bakit wala pa akong comment dito? did I miss it? Gosh, I am sorry, lagi ko pa naman sinisiguradong nadalaw ko lahat ang entrants ng CC.

Ay naku Marce, mas maganda na ang honest pareho sa isa't isa, mas maluwag ang relasyon at mas masaya kesa may mga tinatago. Sa amin pagdating sa pera, minsan hinohokus pokus ko, hehehe,bad ba ako? Ke hubby kasi basata bayad lahat ng bills, at may allowance siya, oks na.

speaking of being honest about our looks, ang hubby ko too honest, kaya minsan nasasakal ko eh, sukat bibilangin ang layers ng aking katawan, the nerve!

AC said...

ang sweet sweet naman... but it's true dba? mas ok nang honest, kesa puro secrets ang relationship.. hihina ang pagsasama pag wala namang katotohanan..

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