Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bedtime Habits

I missed the last week's edition of Couple's Corner which is Cuddle Time. My apologies to Marce Liz for that... and since I don't t want to miss this week's edition again, here I am.

Co-bedding with our little one. This was taken in Japan...
Samantha was just 3 months old here...

I always love to sleep with hubby cuddling me. But because our little Samantha is co-bedding with us, we can only do so when our little one has already gone to Lalaland ahead of us... and that is on those very rare occasions when she is so tired and sleepy. So instead of me cuddling hubby and vice versa, we would have Samantha to cuddle.

Who goes to bed first? It depends. On Monday and Wednesday evenings, it is hubby who sleeps first because he has German classes the next morning. The rest of the days, I go to bed first with Sam to send her first to sleep. We would say our good night prayers while Sam drinks her milk and then if she hasn't slept yet, we would talk and play and goof around until we are too exhausted and the last thing left to do is sleep... :D

My two loves... Hubby is already sleepy but Sam is still full of energy.

Hubby sleeps on the right side of the bed while I sleep on the left side. Hubby sleeps with his head propped high on his pillows... this makes it easier for him to sleep and to breath especially if his asthma attacks. I on the other hand, cannot sleep without a pillow under my feet. Sam sleeps in the middle and she serves as our contraceptive... if you know what I mean. Hehe!

Hubby and Sam snores a lot... especially when they are tired and when I am awakened by the noise, I would just stare at them while they are sleeping soundly and then slowly sneak out of bed to blog or finish off my online tasks. :D I would snore too, especially when I am too tired and would wake up long after hubby has gone for work and Samantha is touching my cheeks to wake me up.

Hubby sometimes has insomnia attacks and even if he has already drank a warm glass of milk, he still finds it hard to sleep. To help him sleep, I give him a head and foot massage. A massage helps him to relax and lulls him readily to sleep. So if your husband finds it hard to sleep, a good massage will do the trick.

So I guess that's it for our bedtime habits. I wonder what other CC participants' bedtime habits are....

Rodliz’s Nest


Mommy Liz said...

Nag iiba ang habit natin kapag nagkakaroon ng kids noh? Naku Marce, noong una una namin ni Rodney, di ako makatulog, after more than 9 years, ay naku, parang di ko na naririnig, hehehe. But because si Wrozlieeh sa amin lumilipat kapag nagigising sa midnight, ako ang na a outside de kulambo..

eds said...

hmm magandang tip yan .. pero hindi para kay habibi . para sa akin ehehe.. kasi ako yata ang may insomnia.. kaya simula sa araw na to magpapamasahe na ako kay habibi .. hehe

heres my entry pala >>

Sherry Go Sharing said...

so happy to see your happy face :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

oh so loving moment, my dear dont like take picture together :(

Kero said...

hahahahaaa! sabi nga nila, toddlers are the most effective birth control =)

nakuu, mabuti palitan kayo mauna matulog. kami whole 5 weekdays hubby sleeps ahead. sweret lang pag makatyempo kami ng movie date sa weekend =)

my entry is here

AC said...

alyssa is always co-bedding with us.. since birth.. pero we trained her to sleep on the side.. kase sabi ng aking lola dear.. dapat daw laging magkatabi ang mag-asawa.. hehe..

we lie in bed naman all at the same time, pero nauuna lagi either si hubby or alyssa.. ako lagi ang late.. hirap ako matulog.. but i don't like making puyat.. hehe.. si hubby di na kailangan ng massage.. 1 minute palang eh tulog na.. hahaha!!!

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