My breastfeeding journey wasn't easy at first. But I am determined to breastfeed my baby however it takes... And just like that, my baby is already two months old. And I am happy to say that she is exclusively breastfeeding. Yay!!! The days seem to fly by in a flash. The sleepless nights I can still count, and they are worth it... every second, every minute of it. Thanks to the encouragement and advice of friends, I was able to pull it through. So what did I learn in those two months of breastfeeding?
That your breastmilk does not come automatically at first. So you will have to nurse your baby as often as you can to stimulate your breasts to produce more milk. Never skip a meal. It is important to eat properly so you will have your strength and eating a well-balanced food ensures that you get the nutrients your body needs to remain healthy. Drinking plenty of water and nursing tea keeps you hydrated and ensures that you don't dry out. It is also important to get enough rest. There is always the temptation of doing house chores or other things when your baby is asleep, but trust me, you need as much sleep so you have the strength to feed especially in the wee hours of the morning. For newborns, they feed like every two hours so you need to be awake too when you baby needs to nurse. Support of your family is also very important. When they can look after your baby for a couple of hours so you can have some time for yourself or you can get some restful sleep, that is really great. I am luck and grateful to have such a good team behind my back: a husband and a daughter who have been very understading of me and all my craziness.

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