Thursday, October 29, 2020

Slowly Settling In

It has been three weeks now since we moved into our new home. Well, it is not really new because it was built in 1976 but you know what I mean. :) There is still a lot of work yet to be done but we are slowly settling down and settling in. 

And here is our Suki, doing her sunbathing in the morning in the living room:

Yes, we get a lot of sunshine in this part of the house and the floor-length glass windows allows natural light to flood the room. To soften the sun's glare, I put up sheer curtains. Then we will not be seen by the neighbors when they look out their windows while allowing for the light to come in. Notice the wallpaper? That still needs to be taken down as it is too vintage for my taste. I prefer white walls you see, and it will make the room look brighter and bigger especially with a wooden ceiling. And that will be another project on our list.

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