Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Why You Should Attend a Birth Preparation Course

It has been years since I had my first child and I belong to that group of pregnant women who are categorized as a "risk pregnancy" patient because of age. :)

I am generally a very calm, cool and composed person, but with my advanced age, I also cannot help but worry about giving childbirth at this age. True, many women get pregnant at a later stage in life and medical technology has advanced further making childbirth at this stage safer for both child and mother. But still...

That is why I find it important to be more prepared than ever of what is to come. With the complications that go with a late pregnancy, a childbirth preparation course is what expectant moms like me need. For first-time moms, taking a childbirth preparation course also makes sense.

What To Expect at a Childbirth Preparation Course
This course helps women, and also also men, to prepare for childbirth, emotionally and physically. It helps women emotionally, when they better understand what happens to their body during childbirth. Questions like how does childbirth take place, how do you know when you will have the baby, or what does the baby do during childbirth in your tummy, and what do mommies feel physically. All these questions will be answered by an experience midwife during the course.

It also oftentimes helps expectant fathers, when they know the possible ways to help their spouses: small handles, for example, that relieve the pain of labor a little, breathing techniques that can be done together with their wife, etc.

A visit to the delivery room is also an important part of many childbirth preparation courses. To be able to see what the deelivery room looks like, how it feels to be there, takes away much of the anxiety of many pregnant women.

Another ground for worry for most pregnant women is the physical stress brought about by childbirth. But in a childbirth preparation course, one learns how to breathe in a contraction or with the help of which movements you can relieve the floor of your pelvis and push the birth a little forward. The midwife will also show you the different birthing positions and explain the possibilities for pain relief such as peridural anaesthesia or acupunture.

Furthermore, a birthing class not only teaches about birth preparation, but also teaches about what to do with the first moments with your baby: how to change diapers and clothes, how to properly hold the baby, etc.

These are just some of the reasons why a birthing class makes sense. With these,  I hope you will also consider taking one for your own peace of mind.

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