Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Last Day High

Today is my last day at work before I go on my maternity protection leave with subsequent parental leave. The day started as always, I came in later than my supposed official time, but my colleagues understand my situation and I am very thankful for their flexibility. This momma is getting slower and slower, as the day of her due date nears. Anyway, I checked on my emails first to see if there were some urgent matters that need attending to. There was none. Then I went on as usual with my work: inputting orders into our system, making sure orders are made, and confirmed orders to customers. There really wasn't that much work, except to have my email account set-up so new messages will officially be forwarded to my colleague so that she will not always have to look into my incoming mails. Then I made some calls in the office in relation to my leaving, so that all will go well. I also got some calls from colleagues who were on home office, wishing me a good and safe delivery and a healthy baby. I also started doing my "farewell" rounds, so that I wouldn't have do a big round at the end of the day and exhaust myself doing it.

Then it was time for lunch. I always look forward to lunches at our canteen. The food is always served fresh, cooked and served on the same day. And for a very good price at that. Some colleagues also came by my table to wish me well. Atfer lunch, I went do some quick farewell to our boss and to the management. 

Such a sweet and wonderful surprise from my colleagues at work.
I went back to my work desk, and then my colleagues from our department came with a surprise gift in hand. It was really a wonderful, beautiful surprise, I was so moved I had to stop myself from crying. I will truly miss my colleagues in my department, they have always been so supportive of me and they taught me a lot. Although I have a different background, I was really able to fit in with the group and formed a harmonious relationship with all of them. To think I am the only one with an Asian background and all of them are Germans. 

This was the content of the gift package: a stuffed toy, a card with my colleague's signatures,
a set of overall and bib, and two gift cards loaded with money.
I was so happy, I can use it to buy my baby's diapers and Co. 
Soon it was time to say goodbye. It felt exhilerating and at the same time sad to be taking my leave. Don't get me wrong. I am very happy and excited to face this new phase in our life but it just felt weird somehow to leave as if I will not be coming back. But I will be back, when all goes well after a year. It is weirder because of the pandemic. You cannot just give your colleague a hug or shake their hands as a gesture of thanks and saying farewell. But I will be back. It is just a brief farewell after all and not a goodbye. 

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