Monday, July 13, 2020

Of Pregnancy and Swollen Feet

It is very common for pregnant women to have edema, water storage in the body which is characterized by swollen feet, swollen hands and even face. This  especially in the third semester of pregnancy. It is unpleasant most of the time, because it is difficult to put on your favorite shoes let alone fit into them and walking can also be difficult. The swelling is worst at the end of the day, after long periods of standing or stitting, especially on warm days. Sometimes you also feel a tightening and prickling of the underarms and hands, even the rings on your fingers become very tight. The swelling could also bring about pain and cramps in the night, which happens to me every now and then.

So what can you do to ease the swelling and discomfort?

1. Wear medical compression stockings / socks. This is very effective in reducing the swelling and should be worn at the beginning of the day, right after you take a shower. Through the compression stocking, the blood circulation is controlled and helps to avoid heavy legs. Most compression stockings are made to order so that you get the correct measurements. And because the swelling on both legs are not the same, having them made to order ensures that each leg is getting the right compression.

2. Raise your legs every now and then. If you sit or stand for the most part of the day, raising your legs every now and then will allow for a better circulation and allows your feet to relax. Be sure to find a comfortable position though especially if you are in the later stage of your pregnancy.

3. Soak your feet in lukewarm water. A good foot soak in lukewarm water with Dead Sea salt in it also helps ease swelling. Be sure that the waster reaches up to your calves. The lukewarm water helps in circulation.

4. Massage your feet with the help of lavender cypress oil. This has a cooling effect and should be done right after your foot soak. Massage your feet first and work your way up to the ankles, calves, knees and thighs. The cooling effect helps to reduce the flow of blood down to your feet.

5. Eat a good balanced diet. A good balanced diet that is by no means low in salt has a positive influence on the course of the pregnancy and can, in many cases, prevent or alleviate edema.

6. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Proper hydration is important. It is also not advisable to restrict your salt intake unless your doctor advised it. The common notion that you should drink less and avoid salt in your diet when you have edema is medically outdated, because this does not help and can even worsen the problem.

7. Pay attention to regular exercise. Recommended for pregnant women are walks and swimming. Staying in the water is helpful because the hydrostatic pressure of the water can push back the edema.

8. Taking alternating showers or baths. Alternating showers or baths, combined with a subsequent brush massage using a soft massage brush or a massage glove, stimulate the blood circulation and thus the transport of fluids in the body.

9. Cucumber face mask for your swelling face. If your face is swollen during pregnancy, this can be taken cared of with a cooling cucumber mask. On cleansed face, simply lay thinly sliced cucumbers or you can puree the cucumber and mix it with low-fat curd cheese and apply.

These are just some of the tips that can help ease or reduce edema during pregnancy. Do you have other tips? Then do share in the comments below and I will update the list.

Have a healthy and safe pregnancy!

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