Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reconnecting With Friends

Our friends in Japan have been asking a lot of questions about when our return in Japan will be, how is Samantha doing, when are we going to visit again for a short vacation, and all other stuff related to that. I cannot really give a definite reply that we won't be returning anymore because there is still a chance that we might come back, at least that is what I am hoping for. So instead of answering their questions, I would steer away from the topic and ask how they have been doing.

Hearing from them again and talking about their recent activities with the Filipino community and their plans for upcoming Japanese festivals like the Hanami in the spring time made me realize how far I really am from them and how much I have missed these friends who were much a part of our two years of stay in Japan. I also hear of some tragedies like someone getting into an accident or someone getting sick because of old age and even weather changes that I even recommended getting someone like an allergy doctor austin. Of course, they know better than me as to where to look since they are the locals. 

It is nice though to reconnect with these friends through the Internet. I must admit, although we are separated physically by a great distance, I can still feel the acceptance, warmth, and concern that I first felt when I first came to know them.

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