Sunday, December 19, 2010

A First for Everything

In life, we get to experience a myriad of things: some strange, some beautiful, some worrisome. And as with all things, there will always be a first.

Growing up as a child, I remember going to first grade, meeting my first friend, receiving my first communion, even having my first crush. As a teenager, although I am not specially good at anything, I realized for the first time what my potentials really were. As a young adult, I fell really in love and met my first (and last) boyfriend, got my first job, earned my first pay check, got to facilitate my first high school recollection, and lots more. I thought that I have already experienced all the firsts that one has to experience in their lifetime. Then I got married and did my first travel overseas. Then I became a Mom. And the firsts seem to flood and overwhelm me. I had my first pregnancy and everything that followed after I had my baby seemed to be a first!

I am fortunate to have been there and to witness my firstborn's firsts: the first smile, the first crawl, the first steps, the first toy, the first pair of shoes, the first words, the first birthday, the 1st birthday invitations, the first day in Kindergarten, the first friends she met, the first song she sang. And I know that as a Mom, I will experience more firsts with my little girl. I just hope that I will be able to always make myself available each time she needs me so that I don't miss on the firsts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great posts! Firsts are very important. I hope you don't miss any if your little girl's. :)


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