Sunday, December 12, 2010

Better Be Safe than Sorry

Anywhere in the world, we hear of news about thieves and criminals breaking into houses, or women feeling unsafe and getting stalked, or children being abused by their babysitters. If you have a family, of course you would like to keep your family safe from these bad people. You would provide all the security possible in your home. You see to it that you lock the doors and windows securely so that no entry is possible. You do not just open the door whenever somebody rings and peep first through the peep hole on your door. You even install hidden cameras outside your door or on your foyer or terrace so that you can monitor if somebody is lurking about your house.

Our apartment, although it doesn't have surveillance cameras at the main entrance has security features too. The main door can only be opened if you have a key or someone from the inside opens it for you. Doors to the units have peep holes and double locks to ensure that the doors are locked securely and to prevent break ins.

The police even makes a regular surveillance in residential areas especially if there have been threats and calls for observed unidentified persons lingering in the streets. If the life of a human being is at take, it is always best to take precautionary measures. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

1 comment:

Marj said...

Yes this is true. Sometimes the least expected person is the one that we should be careful about. It doesn't mean that we need to be paranoid but if our loved ones safety is at stake preparation is not bad at all.

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