Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chewing Cigars

I have a friend back in college who has asthma. You know how it is when you have asthma, there are some things in life that you just cannot do, for instance smoking. But I always see this box of romeo y julieta cigars on his office desk. One wonders. Then I chanced upon him one day, with the cigar in his hand. I was about to make a remark about him not being able to smoke because of his condition when I saw him chew it.

Then my first employer, who was a stout man and very health conscious, is also into cigars. And no, he doesn't light it up either. He just chews it. He could chew on an entire cigar in the duration of our meeting and one can't help but wonder how it tastes.

And I feel bad for the cigar. It didn't really serve its purpose. Lol!

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