Friday, July 30, 2010

Mommy Moments: To The Groceries

My daughter enjoys going to the groceries. Our apartment is just four floors above a grocery store and my little girl loves going there. She anticipates operating the elevator. She knows exactly which button to push and which door to open although she cannot open the basement door by herself. 

She also loves to ride in the plastic car grocery cart that we usually use when no one else is using it. She would just sit there and enjoy the ride while I pick up the items that we need for the day or for the week. I could sometimes hear her talking to herself in her own baby language or saying "Hallo!" to the other customers who find her very adorable and cute and sweet. Sometimes, she would get out of the mini car and will pick up some of the items that she is familiar with and put it in the car. 

But alas, I have no photos of her at the groceries because well, I just don't bring any camera with me. Except perhaps for this one time when we went to Strasbourg, France at a large grocery store called Cora to buy seafoods and other stuff.

I know that when she is older, I could trust her to buy the groceries for me. I also know that the time will come when she wouldn't want going to the groceries with me anymore. So I try to enjoy every minute of shopping with her. It's a great way to bond with my little girl and I am also able to teach her that she can't always get everything that she wants. I tell her NO if she wants chocolates or some ice cream and explain to her that it's not on our grocery list.

mommy moments


Renz Alcantara said...

My daughter loves grocery shopping as well :) And we usually end up paying for an empty wrapper because she ate them before even paying for it.

Marice said...

awww so cute! looks like she's having a good time inside the grocery store!

have a happy weekend!
u may view mine too here

anne said...

I also tell my daughter a no when its not necessary and its not in our budget list. Mine is up and its here thanks

kimmy said...

she is so cute... and seems to enjoy grocery time, lol!

Jac said...

Nice photos mommy I like it =)I'm glad that your lil princess loves going to grocery stores =)
Have a blessed weekend!

Chris said...

girls seem to enjoy grocery day more! :D heheheh happy mommy moments!

aviator sunglasses said...

she is so cute and hope will go soon without your help.

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