Saturday, July 3, 2010

I Need A Break

It has been three days since I have been burning the midnight oil. I have two clients clamoring for my attention as a VA and knowing that I can only serve one master at a time, I was not able to do much work for the other. Good thing that one client is not a very demanding one so that I can work whenever I please. I just have to make sure that I get to give updates every now and then. The other client though only gives me projects when the need arises so that most of the tasks are urgent. And it is because of this that I am getting stressed out. You could add there the impending vacation that we are planning and the pressure of being in my so called "best behavior" while the PIL are here. I feel like I am not entitled to scream or to get angry or to lose temper just because they are here. Only a little less than a week and I am going crazy. Lol! Perhaps I should consult my hubby if he has a health savings account put up for me. I feel that I will go insane before this month ends... and the irony of it all is that the month has just started.

I feel that I definitely need this break from my computer and all the household chores. So I hope the vacation will do me good... 

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