Friday, July 16, 2010

Grad School Here I Come!

In less than two months, I will officially become a student again. I am both thrilled and scared because I know that university life in a foreign country is totally different from the university life that I have been exposed to. For one, the curriculum will be different and the atmosphere will be international because the program that I have been admitted to is an International Graduate Program. I have visited the university once when we were searching for a Kindergarten for our little one and found it to be a very academic place.  There is just something different in the air, if you know what I mean.

The expenses will be very different too because of the standard of living here. I know that I could find a number of easy scholarships that will help me curb my expenses if I only knew where to look. So far, I have had no luck. I have inquired in the many scholarship granting institutions but I do not qualify in the major requirements. I do not want my going to school again to be a burden to us financially so that I am already thinking of other ways to finance my masteral. Perhaps, I can find a part time job at the university to cover for my daily expenses. Or I can ask the department if there is any way for me to get some discounts.

1 comment:

niko said...

weeeeh yakang yaka mo yan girl! go go go!!

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