Friday, April 17, 2020

Keeping Our Beaches Clean

Ah, a day on the beach: the quintessential element of a summer vacation, and a key component of a romantic walk into the sunset. However you enjoy the world's coastal beaches, you are probably aware that these delicate areas need to be protected. Follow these simple tips for how to keep the beaches near you in pristine condition for years to come. 

Protect Local Ecosystems
Many beaches are threatened by invasive species of both plant and animal variety. These organisms are harmful because they take valuable resources from native species and can end up overpowering a local environment because they have no natural predators. Companies like this lake and wetland management Sarasota county FL are taking steps like removing invasive species and restocking those that are more native. 

Guard Against Erosion
A number of natural causes can wreak havoc on coastlines. Water naturally flows toward the ocean, and natural disasters like hurricanes and tsunamis can quickly destroy what may have taken decades to build up. Although we can't stop the weather, we can take time to guard land against water and wind erosion by planting native plants. 

Pick Up Trash
Water, air and ground pollution are everywhere. When you are enjoying yourself in nature, take time to pick up your own trash and encourage those you are with to do the same. Perhaps have a local clean-up party to get rid of litter that can travel toward the ocean in rainstorms. This simple action helps to keep the area looking good and saves the lives of ocean-dwelling animals. 

You might not have the power of a large company or government, but there are still simple things you can do to help keep the beaches near you beautiful. Planting one plant, picking up one piece of litter, and removing one invasive organism can make a noticeable impact on the areas near you. 

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