Tuesday, April 14, 2020

4 Cost-Saving Tips for International Traveling

International travel offers cultural enrichment, delicious food and drinks, incredible historical settings, and a sense of adventure and exploration like no other. The cost of such an adventure can quickly add up but don't let that stop you from booking one. Here are some cost saving tips to consider when planning your next vacation overseas.

Reconsider Your Departure City
Flying from a large international airport, such as Newark in New Jersey, LAX in California, or George Bush in Texas, can cut airline ticket costs when traveling internationally. You may be able to skip an additional stop or layover if you leave from a large city's international airport that is within a couple of hours of your home.

Book Airport Transportation
After you book your ticket from a departure city, do some research about that airport's various services. For example, it is more economical to book Houston airport transportation services than to park a car at either of the city's airports. This may not save a whole lot of money in the long run, but the money you save would definitely pay for a few meals or museum tickets in a new country.

Fly Round Trip
If you are starting your trip in London, England, then you should also finish in London, England. When traveling internationally, plan your trip soin a circle, meaning you start and end your trip in the same place. This way you book a round trip ticket, which will always save you money. From there, take trains, buses, or domestic budget flights to travel to different cities or countries.

Decide What's Important
Divide your vacation budget into categories, such as eating, touring, sleeping, and traveling, and then decide what percentage of your budget you want to put in each category. This way you can plan to spend your hard earned money at Michelin star restaurants rather than five star hotels. You can book second class train tickets and have more money for private tours of museums. Decide what you want, plan a budget, and then stick to it.

International travel is expensive, but there are several ways to save money here and there. Most importantly, have a great trip.

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