Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How To Beat COVID-19

It has been months now since the COVID-19 virus has spread throughout the world. It has affected the lives of everyone and the global economy. What makes it more difficult is that it is so new and we don't fully understand the virus yet and we need more data in order to come up with an effective treatment or vaccine against it. For the medical and pharmaceutical fields, it is a race against time.

So what can we do as ordinary citizens to beat this virus? Foremost, we must listen to what our health authorities say. If they are saying to stay at home, then by all means, please do so.

The most basic thing to do is to observe proper hygiene and treat everything you touch and person you meet to be infected with the virus.

Observing proper handwashing technique is very important. We all have seen illustrations and even videos on how to properly do it. It is important to thoroughly wash the hands including the wrists with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, rinse and thoroughly dry. Then sanitize hands with a disinfectant like 70% isopropyl alcohol.

Avoid touching your face especially in public places with unwashed hands. 

Should you sneeze or cough, use your elbow to cover your mouth.

Wear a mask when going out, especially when going to public places.

Keep a 1,5 - 2 meter distance to the person next to you, especially when in public areas. Avoid physical contact like shaking hands. 

Most of all, stay at home when you don't need to go outside to buy groceries or medicines or to see the doctor. This could definitely help save lives.

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