Sunday, December 22, 2019

Soon To Be Ludwigsburger

It has been almost two years since we started on our house-hunting journey. It was not easy, especially that the housing market is very competitive lately. We have been through a lot of home visits, visited a number of prefab house developers, even went to the open house of one of the developers factories, visitied house construction sites. Almost all of our weekends were spent going on these.

Thankfully, the search is over. But once it was decided that the house we chose will be sold to us, which is by the way not a newly built one, everything was like a whirlwind. With the decision came more appointments and visits, this time to the bank for the financing, to the attorney's office for the notary and signing of the contract to sell, and a whole lot more. Suddenly, everything became official. 

And we still a lot to do before moving day... but at least we still have the time to prepare: about 8 months at least to pack, re-register, notify the immigration office of our pending move, notify the electric, water, telephone companies that we are moving soon and to schedule when the lines should be transfered, and all the other formalities that need to be done when one moves from Place A to Place B.

We are excited and at the time overwhelmed with this new milestone in our life as a family. But I know that with God's guidance and help and advice from good friends, everything shall go well. And yes, from Stuttgart we will be moving to Ludwigsburg. We will soon no longer be Stuttgarters but Ludwigsburgers.

So help us God!

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