Because dental hygiene is vital to your children’s overall health, they must undergo regular checkups and treatments – even if they’re scared of the dentist. Take steps to assuage their fears and make them more comfortable in the chair to enable the visits to go more successfully and smoothly.
Find a Specialist
Choosing a kids dentist Jacksonville over a regular practitioner may make it easier for children who fear the visits. Not only will these professionals have offices with décor, toys and an atmosphere that caters to kids, but they will also be specially trained to deal with emerging and developing teeth with instruments smaller than the standard equipment. In addition, the entire staff may be taught the right demeanor to deal with children, making the entire experience more soothing.
Play Pretend
Prepare your child for his visit by showing him generally what to expect. Use a toothbrush to count his teeth and give him a mirror to see what the dentist will look at when she examines his teeth. Encourage a bit of excitement by finding children’s books featuring popular television characters that describe what they experienced during their first trip to the dental office.
Don’t Overdo It
When discussing the visit with your child, choose your words carefully. Don’t introduce extra concepts that may increase his fear, such as the potential for getting a shot or drilling to fill a cavity. Don’t comment that the experience won’t hurt if he’s never expressed the fear that it will, for example. Answer his questions with brief, positive statements and assure him that the dentist will help him have teeth that are clean and strong.
Make dental visits more relaxing for your children – and the office staff – by laying the groundwork that can make each trip less stressful. Establishing a trusting and maybe even enjoyable relationship between your kids and their dentist can ensure a lifelong commitment to oral health and safety.

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