An effective marketing tool. Placing an ad with your business name, website address, contact number and even a short catch phrase on vehicles is a very effective form of marketing tool. This is because most people these days are visual. If they see something that is eye-catching, chances are they would check it out. And in this modern world, where there is a very competitive market, an attractive and customized ad design is just as important as the actual service rendered by the business itself. I guess what makes vehicle ads appealing is that it is dynamic and flexible.
Endless possibilities. Car magnets need not be limited to business ads only. You could design it and stick it on your car according to your present need. It can be used as a political ad during the election period. Or as a welcome banner to important persons. It can even be stuck to wedding cars with a message bearing "Just Married". It will give a modern touch to it... You can be creative. There's even reflective ones to make the sign visible even at night, which is very helpful for law-enforcement and security vehicles.

1 comment:
my boy are lots of car magnet.. he collects and collects
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