Monday, April 23, 2012

Can't Afford It Yet...

Having a pet DOG I mean. We have some neighbors who have pets and sometimes, we would meet them at the elevator. My little girl would always say "Wie süß" which means "how sweet" in English and I can see her delight each time she sees a dog or a cat. Most of the time, she would attempt to pet them.

If only it is that easy to have pet dogs here. Not only are they expensive, you have to pay taxes and also have the responsibility to regulary walk them. We cannot afford such additional expenses yet. And if you add the different pet care paraphernalia like bed for pet, leash, coats, cage, toys, etc., I can say that it is not yet time. Aside from the inability to afford it financially, we also cannot afford it time-wise. It is just too much work for now since I am busy working on my Master Thesis. Instead of taking care of a pet, I would rather spend my time at home taking care of my family and our household.

I know that there will be a time for everything. The time to care for pets will just come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's expensive to buy a nice pet! :( Tho, luckily for us... a friend of my papa will give him one! I forgot what kind of dog it is tho for vaccine and other stuff will slightly cost us!

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