Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So Many Things To Do, So Little Time

It has been a while since I posted in this blog. There are just so many things happening that I just couldn't find the time to sit down and, well, blog. Even my social life is affected. I have three final presentations next week at the university, two on Solid Waste Treatment Plant Design and one on Emissions Reduction at Selected Industrial Proceses. My final exams are coming up, one I think on Friday for my Japanese class and another one on the 13th for Biowaste Air Purification. I haven't gotten around to any serious studying yet and I am running out of time. I am frantic, desperate to gain more time, like someone who is in desperate need for prescription drug abuse addiction so that things will fall into place.

But I do believe that things will just fall into place... That I need not worry too much because somehow, things really do just fall into place, with a little bit of luck, hardwork and lots of prayers and faith. I am not alone. I have the support of my family. No matter how tough things get, I am somehow able to get by.

I have so many things to do and I have so little time. I have even taken some things foregranted at home... the laundry is piling up, the trash is still waiting to be taken out, and I haven't even put the Christmas decors away. I could really use two of me right now, one who will do the studying and the academic stuff, the other one who will take care of the house and the family. Since there is only one of me, the least I can do is manage my time. I do hope I can manage all the things that I need to do. So heaven help me.


kimmy said...

i can SO RELATE to that, lol!

Anonymous said...

I think those are the same words I usually say to my friends, why we have to learn so many things, why we have approve all the subjects. And I know is tough, nobody say it was gonna be easy, but don't worry just remember "If you add a little to a little and do this often, soon the little will become great".

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