Thursday, January 20, 2011


It has been warm and fuzzy the last couple of weeks and I felt happy, just feeling the warm sunshine on my shine. But the cold days are here again. From almost 15 degrees, the temperatures are back to zero and lower. It is still winter after all.

Although I enjoy the cold of winter and the fine, white snow, I always find myself getting big-ger this time of the year. That's because it is during the winter season when we celebrate Christmas, New Year, and the annual Sinulog among others. That means lots of food is served and the tendency for me to eat heaps and heaps of food. Now I have gained more weight than ever, and I have an a few inches(?) more of Winterspeck, a term that Germans use to indicate excess fat or weight gain due to the Winter season. And because of that, I am now in a frantic search for the most effective weight loss diet pills so I can get rid of them. Of course, I also intend to do a lot of exercise. I just need to get used to my daily routine again after almost three weeks of just sitting around at home. Once I find my rhythm again, I will definitely go back to the fitness studio and work my butt off. I hope me and my girl friends from Graduate School will push through with our plans to play badminton.

Keeping my fingers crossed!

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