Monday, January 10, 2011

Back To School

The vacation days are over, at least for me and many of the students here because the winter break is over. It is time to go back to school and continue with academic learning. I for the most part need to do double time on my studying because the final exams are only a few months away and I must admit, I haven't done any studying during the break at all! I know I am in serious trouble. My lecture notes are still unorganized, owing to the fact that I haven't done any document management during the break. Now my notes are still mixed up in one spiral notebook and only heaven knows when I will manage to organize them according to subjects.

I even woke very early today just so I could answer the exercises that my professor in Solid Waste Management gave us last year. I have no idea whether my answers are correct but I am keeping my fingers crossed on this one. 

Just thinking about going back to the university starting today and the subjects that I have today is already giving me a headache. I still tons of nonacademic stuff to do and I don't know if I will still find the time to do all of them. Ugh! I just know there's gonna be a huge headache coming my way.

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