Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Little Girl's First Horse Ride

I am quite proud of my little girl because she is brave and adventurous, never afraid to try new things. She also has a liking for animals and would love to hold and pet them any chance they get, from cats to dogs to geese to horses.

She got her first horse ride last Spring at the Spring Festival. Although it came with a price, it was nothing compared to the happiness and delight that you see on her face to be riding such a huge animal. I haven't ridden a horse myself and I am almost 31 years old and my little girl was able to ride it at 2 years old. She was even almost dressed to ride a horse at that time: jeans and boots and all, the only thing missing are equestrian helmets and her riding stick and she's as good as an equestrian.

One of my little wishes is to be able to ride a horse in the countryside. Perhaps when my little girl is older, we can learn how to ride a horse and go riding at the countryside. That would indeed be a perfect bonding activity for us.

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