Friday, January 29, 2010

Random WAHM Thoughts

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

My hands are shaking and my mind is a complete mess as I am typing away in front of my computer. Why? Because I am about to make a review for one of the blogs of review guru Kaye, Random WAHM Thoughts. So, first things first.

Visiting this blog is always a pleasure. Just the layout itself, which is three column, and the mouse pointer that seems to be releasing stardusts wherever you point it is very inviting. I love Kaye's ability to personalize her blog and really make it her own. She even has a link to her portfolio that showcases all her masterpieces.

From the blog title alone, you can say that she is a very diligent Work At Home Mom. No, not diligent but a DEAD SERIOUS WAHM who, despite her full schedule, still manages to write down her sometimes funny random thoughts. I also love how she claims to have nothing to blog about and yet manage to pull off a nicely written post such as Nobita Syndrome. If you are also looking for some seriously useful posts, Kaye has a number of them. If blog tutorials sound Latin to you, check out hers. You will be amazed at how easy it actually is!

So, will I recommend this blog? The answer is definitely a YES! I even find myself frequently visiting, not just because I am joining their contest but because I always enjoy my visits. If you haven't followed this blog, better follow it. You won't be sorry.

P.S. Did I pull it off Kaye?


Random WAHM Thoughts said...

you bet you did! by the end of our contest ikaw na ang review guru! yeahhh!!! hihi! galing marce!

Chris said...

wow, you are really doing a great job with these reviews!

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