Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dreaming Of Summer!

It definitely is still winter here and the biting cold makes me wish for the warm sun, green fields and blooming flowers. Oh yes, I can't wait for summer to come and for another summer trip ahead. I am not yet certain where we're off to since we haven't planned about it yet but there will definitely be one.

Thinking about it reminded me of the numerous camping areas that we saw in the Black Forest area on one of our road trips and how we were once stuck in traffic because of road construction. Lining up with us on the road were numerous travel trailers. Seeing them made me and hubby discuss whether we are going to get one should we go on a camping trip. I guess having a travel trailer is an ideal way to camp and very convenient especially if you have a small child in tow.

But travel trailer or not, I am sure our little one will enjoy her first camping experience. We'd roast marshmallows and hotdogs in the fire. Look at the stars while singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star...". Climb a tree. Fly a kite. Chase one another in the grassy field. Catch some fireflies. Even teach her fishing or how to put the bait in the hook.

Sigh! I can't wait for summer to come!

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